Journey of Faith — Lenten Journey

4cec8588133a4d9c69575c6b4a24f066Here we are four weeks into our six week Lenten journey.  Throughout Lent, we have discussed many things that have helped become more reflective in the way we look at our lives and our relationship with God.  Have the ideas that we have tried taken hold?  Have we been consistent?  Most importantly, has our prayer life increased so that we become closer to our spouses and families and improved the relationships that may have needed mended?  What about forgiveness?  Have we forgiven ourselves so that we can more easily forgiven others, or have we hung onto our burdens and our guilt so the anchors of our lives continue to hold us from what God expects from us.  Have we developed the patience, persistence and perseverance to allow ourselves not to be “soft” and quit in times of sorrow and difficulty?

The idea of the aforementioned questions is not necessarily to keep score on our successes, but to continue our reflection.  Does God expect us to be perfect? Of course, not.  The reflective time of Lent allows for self evaluation, not to keep score.  God does not even keep score.  The only expectation for Lent is that we focus on our “journey of faith”.  We know if we are on the path or not.  Over the next two weeks, it becomes time for us to not totally focus on ourselves, but to begin preparations to be with Jesus as he rides into Jerusalem on his donkey hearing shouts of “Hosanna”, joining with Jesus and the apostles in the upper room where the first Mass was said, praying with Him in the Garden, walking along side on the path to Calvary, and being there at the base of the Cross as Jesus is taken down and laid in the tomb.

We hope it has been a wonderful journey so far………

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