Our Catholic Easter Celebration

2017-03-28 11.03.12

Holy Week is the most sacred time of the Catholic liturgical year.  This week marks the end of Jesus’s human life on Earth.  We commemorate this time by attending services beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, also known as the Easter Vigil.

Grace Mackinnon explains in her article What is the Meaning of Holy Week? (Catholic Education Resource Center) that the “Great Week” has been celebrated as early as the fourth century.  Since that time, it has been treated with “great sanctity”.  Although I will write an individual blog on each of the special days of Holy Week, it means a great deal collectively in concert with the entirety of Lent, the Triduum, and the fifty days following Easter.  Mackinnon continues with the important message for us.  When we immerse ourselves into the prayerful services of Holy Week, “our minds and hearts should be fixed on Jesus and what He did for us. Let us bear the Cross so that may be worthy of  wearing the crown He wore.”


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