Holy Thursday

The mass of the Last Supper, celebrated on Holy Thursday evening, is the first service of the Easter Triduum.  It is the commemorates the celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Communion as well as the priesthood.  The central observance of Holy Thursday is “the ritual reenactment of the Last Supper at Mass” (Catholic Online).  We celebrate this during the Liturgy of the Eucharist at every Mass.  During the consecration the priest says, “This is my body which will be given up for you”.  And after taking the cup, the priest continues with the cup (chalice) by saying “This is my blood which will be given up for you”.  When Jesus tells the apostles “Do this in remembrance of me, He is ordering the apostles to go out among the faithful and share the Body and Blood, hence the inception of the priesthood.  That night, soon after the Passover meal, Judas will betray Jesus, leading to His death on the cross.  However, with this “first Mass”, Jesus ensured us that by receiving Him in the Eucharist, He would remain a living part of us until we are able to meet Him face to face in heaven.holy_thursday

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