Good Friday

jesus_650x400_51492033801Last night we commemorated the Mass of the Last Supper which Jesus consecrated His Body and Blood and shared the Eucharist with the his apostles.  Jesus also gave us our priests to say Mass and share Holy Communion with the faithful of the new Church which will in a short time have its humble beginnings.  During his sharing and fellowship with the apostles, the road to Calvary begins with Judas fleeing the upper room and befriending his fellow betrayers of Jesus. While all of this seems too much for our human mind, God the Father’s plan to fulfill the Scriptures, offering us His only begotten Son, our Savior, our salvation, is taking its course.  The Agony in the Garden, our first Pope, the head of the Church on Earth, denying ever knowing Jesus, the turning over to Pilate, the people who just a week earlier shouted “Hosanna” to their king, now chose Barabbas over Jesus, the Crown of Thorns, the scourging at the pillar, the walk of shame through the streets of Jerusalem to Calvary carrying the tree upon which Jesus will be sacrificed.

This, the most fateful day in history, yet without it we would toil like Adam, is commemorated today……GOOD FRIDAY.  Our Lenten sacrifices, our Reconciliation, our fasting and abstinence, our prayerful time at Eucharistic Adoration, our walk with Jesus during the Stations of the Cross is what is asked for in return for Jesus’s sacrifice.

Take time today around 3:00 PM, bow your head and pray, thanking God the Father for the sacrifice of His Son, thanking Jesus for willingly accepting, and pray to the Holy Spirit for grace to continue the growth that we have made in our relationship with the Trinity.

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