Easter Sunday – The Resurrection

BLESSED EASTER SUNDAY+…….Today is Easter Sunday, a Holy Day of Obligation in the Roman Catholic Church, the most important day in the Church’s liturgical calendar, a day which we as Christians around the world “celebrate” Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead.  His Resurrection fulfills God’s promise to send a Savior to us to redeem all sinners- the triumph of good over evil and the victory over sin and death and to bring eternal life to all human kind till the end of time.  St Paul writes to the early Church in Corinth,  And if Christ has not beresurrection2en raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”.  Their is an ongoing discussion about which feast is more important, Christmas or Easter. Our salvation is determined by the Resurrection and because of Christmas, there is a Resurrection.  No Resurrection – No Christian Faith.

Easter Sunday marks the end of the forty day Lenten season and the three-day Eater Triduum.  Easter Sunday has been celebrated since the days of the early Church.  It coincides with the Jewish Passover and is on the first Sunday of the first full moon following the spring equinox.    Some Protestant denominations will hold Easter morning Sunrise Services, the focus being the women coming to find the empty tomb. This is an important fulfillment of the Scriptures, but it is not until the disciples see Jesus do they totally believe.

Because of the importance of “Eastertime”, the Catholic Church makes it mandatory for all who have received their First Communion, to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion from Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday (50 days after Easter).

The Easter season follows for the next seven weeks. “Alleluia” is sung, the Gloria is now reinserted and their is an emphasis on the humble beginnings of the early Church..  We have hoped you have made personal growth in your relationships.  Keep building!  Just because Lent is over don’t quit your prayer, fasting and Adoration routine.  Now is the time to build on it.  You have laid a foundation, now raise the building.

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