
2016-11-08-18-51-58Who are Joe and Elle?

We are two uniquely different individuals who were called by God to be joined together in the Catholic Sacrament of Matrimony.  We met through the strangest of circumstances –catholicmatch.com.  Since we met almost 8 years ago, we have been on an indescribable journey that has included health problems, financial woes, job loss and job gain, geographic separation, and family drama of all sorts.

Whatever WE have designed, GOD has changed and redesigned, not according  to OUR plan but HIS. Throughout this journey (or adventure as we like to call it), we have become the yin to each other’s yang and the understanding that God is the glue that binds us together.

We bring almost 50 years of marriage and 50 years as educators to this relationship.  We have had the big houses, fancy cars, books, technology toys, golf memberships, season tickets to college football, really anything we ever wanted.  However our first marriages (Joe’s ended after 28+ years in 2005 and Elle’s ended after 18 years in 2008) only ended with much pain and suffering to all involved.  We meet in 2009 and are given the opportunity for a do over.

We are quite an eclectic group that we call family… elderly parents and grandparents, 2 successful sons, daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law to be, two beautiful grandchildren, five “fur babies” (3 Chihuahuas, 2 kittens) , two chickens, a motorhome, a motel room (due to the geographic separation of 300 miles) AND anyone else entrusted to our care.  Not in the least what either of us expected…but it is what God designed for us and are accepting  (sometimes begrudgingly).

We have  chosen a more Benedictine life style and obviously have downsized our home, toys and expenses and as a result our daily lives are rich and full of God’s grace, mercy and love.

We don’t know where God’s leading us but we know He has us securely in His arms.

What can you expect?

Our goal is to publish 2-4 posts per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), with a focus on Catholic Marriage and REAL life.  It is our opportunity to share and witness to God’s Kingdom …… ALL WHO ARE ENTRUSTED IN OUR CARE.

We look forward to interacting with our reader and sharing this great journey and we get closer to our heavenly reward.

Our Story in Pictures — yes we are behind in getting our pages made…LOL