Just Say Thank-You & Accept Love

2015-09-16-12_18_10-just-say-thank-you-windows-photo-viewerHave you ever received a gift and wondered why you received it or even why someone gave you that particular gift.  Worse yet, you didn’t even like the gift. I’m pretty sure any one of these has happen to us at one time or another.  We spend way to much time with material gifts rationalizing “why?”.  If you think about it deep down, this is pretty selfish.  We refuse to look at it from the givers perspective…….a gift.

Do we do the same thing with spiritual gifts and gifts of love from others around us.  Love comes in many forms…..words, actions, random acts of kindness, service, loveagiftnottransactionsmfriendship……the list goes on.  How often do we rationalize and over-think these gifts as well.  I am sure there are times when we have down right refused gifts of love out of our brokenness, feeling unworthy, selfishness, ego, pride, stubbornness.  But there is no greater gift to receive than the gift of love.  Moving forward, lets be others-centered and not self-centered accepting love and just say”Thank you”.

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